Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Who are we?

Hestias İnşaat Taahhüt Mimarlık Turizm Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş:
Our website:


Risk and Responsibility

You are solely responsible when using our website. Esa Medya does not guarantee that there are no malfunctions, errors or problems that may affect your computer on the site, or that the information you obtain is completely accurate on the date you view the information.


Intellectual Property Rights

Hestias Inc. owns all intellectual property rights on this site. You may not copy any content from the site without the permission of Hestias Inc. You may only search the site and take written printouts from the site. You may only do this for your personal use and/or to obtain information about the services. You may not reproduce, publish or change any information on the site, and you may not sell any information you obtain or print from here.

Services and Prices

Hestias Inc. is constantly working to renew its services. Therefore, all information on the site may change. The technical specifications, package prices, and service scope information on the site may not be up to date on the date you view the site.


Your Personal Details

Detailed information about the use and storage of your personal information is specified on the privacy page.



You can access all contact information of Hestias A.Ş. from the contact page.


External Links

Hestias A.Ş. pages may contain links from sites controlled by others to the site. Esa Medya cannot be held responsible for the content of external links. Esa Medya cannot be held responsible for the content of any site that opens as a result of your own connection or a virus on your computer while you are visiting its pages.



“Intellectual property” means that all kinds of private rights, including copyright, design and trade rights, are recognized by law.


Data Privacy

We store the personal data you provide or obtain through various means during your use of our site, and we never share it with third parties, private or legal entities. Data privacy is a policy of our company. We, as Hestias Construction Contracting Architecture Tourism Industry Trade Inc., have no commitment regarding the problems you may experience in the resources you will reach when you click on the external links on our site.


Collection and Processing of Personal Data

When you visit our website, the analysis software automatically records your internet service provider, which website you came to, which pages you visited, date information and the duration of your page browsing. Our website may use cookies and some active components such as Javascript to determine your preferences and priorities and to provide suggestions in accordance with them. You can authorize or restrict your internet browser to receive cookies. Restricting cookies may result in you not being able to use the site in the most effective way.

Google Web Fonts

The Google Web Fonts used on our site are hosted on a local server. Your IP address is not shared with Google within the scope of this service.


Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

Your personal data is used by us only for technical recording and marketing experience development, and is never shared with third parties, either private or legal entities.



We keep your personal data safe against any fraud, loss, destruction and unauthorized use according to our privacy principles. Our privacy methods are constantly checked and supported by new technologies that are developed.


Freedom of Choice

We keep your personal data safe against any fraud, loss, destruction and unauthorized use according to our privacy principles. Our privacy methods are constantly checked and supported by new technologies that are developed. We may use your personal data to inform you about developments and innovations about our company; however, if you do not want to receive these news, we will immediately terminate your access from services such as e-mail and SMS if you notify us.



You can always contact us for information, suggestions and complaints about the use of your personal data. Incorrect or missing information will be corrected immediately upon your request.